Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just for you, Mom...

My Mom has mentioned a couple of times (again) that I need to update my blog, but I just can't think of anything grand to write about. My life right now consists of working three twelve hour shifts a week, then finding things to do with all this new found free time that I have. Not that finding things to do is really a chore, but it's so weird to be free after having so much to do for school for a lot of years!

So for the is good. It's a lot more stressful than I could have ever imagined, but at the same time I'm learning a ton each day. I feel pretty good about my nursing skills while I'm at work, but when I come home at night I can't sleep as I lay in bed stressing about things I forgot to do during the day that probably should've been done or what I did wrong during the day. Not that I've done anything terribly wrong, but it's little things that happen and once I start thinking of them I just can't find a way to let them go. All the other nurses I've talked to say that their first few months as nurses were super stressful, too, and that it gets better over time. I'll hold on to that hope. This week was my first week on my own as a nurse after being with a preceptor for six weeks. Needless to say, I survived and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but still scary!

As far as when I'm not at work, I've enjoyed finding some different hobbies to start learning. I'm taking full advantage of this "Meagan time" as I know that I won't always have time to myself to do whatever I please (Selfish? Perhaps, but it's been wonderful!). I've found that my real sanity right now is learning how to use my new camera and taking pictures. Although I am very much an amateur in photography, I absolutely love it. It's through taking pictures that I am reminded of all the blessings around me. Whether it's a picture of a loved one or something brilliant in nature, finding the hidden elements of God's love for me and making those elements stand out among all the stresses of life is my passion. I guess that's why I love the country song "I Saw God Today". It says:

I've been to church
I've read the book
I know He's here, but I don't look
Near as often as I should
Yeah, I know I should
His fingerprints are everywhere
I'd just slow down to stop and stare
Opened my eyes and man I swear
I saw God today

Sorry about all the writing and my random's some pictures for fun. :)

This one's from Christmas, but it's the most recent picture of Dustin and I that I have. Oh well!

Dustin's super swollen stye!

Yet another flower from our yard!

1 comment:

  1. Meagan, I love you so much. I know what you mean about the stressing when you get home though. It's the stupid stuff like forgetting to check your IV tubing and forgetting to call the Doc for a laxative for your 94 year-old patient that hasn't had a bowel movement in 2 days. It's the little annoying things that nag, but in the scheme of things doesn't really matter. Thanks again for taking those amazing pictures of my boys. You're awesome!
