Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm a Nurse!

On Monday I took the NCLEX, which is the exam you have to pass in order to become a licensed nurse...Talk about one of the scariest days of my life! I'd been studying for it since I graduated in December, but I'm not sure how you can ever feel ready for a test like that and I was SO nervous. The test only took me an hour and I had the minimum amount of questions, which could've meant that I did really well and passed quickly, or that I didn't do well at all. I went home not feeling really great about the test, but loving the fact that it was over! Dustin was so wonderful to me and I came home to a note and everything I needed to make a big mug of hot chocolate set out on the kitchen counter for me. He is way too good to me! I was only home for a bit and Dustin came home early from class and took me out to lunch at Macaroni Grill to celebrate being done. It was really nice, but I was still so nervous to find out the results before I felt like I could really celebrate. Tuesday morning Dustin's sister DawnSheree called to see if I wanted to go play in the snow with them and I was so excited for an escape from the house! When we were almost to my sister-in-law's house I got a text from my friend that said I PASSED (you can go online to check the results and she must've been looking for me)! I was so excited that I called Dustin to have him double check for me, and yep, it's true, I'm a NURSE! Reality finally hit a little bit more when I got my license in the mail yesterday. Yeah! All I can say is that I am so grateful for an out of this world husband, great family, and a loving Heavenly Father who helped me every step of the way.

Yesterday was so nice because it was the first day I didn't have to stress about studying or whether I passed the test. I finally felt like a human again! I did laundry, read a book, went out to lunch, ran errands, cooked dinner, exercised, and just chilled. It was wonderful! I know it doesn't seem exciting, but trust me, when your life has revolved around school for a few years anything but school to think about is amazing!

I start my new job on Tuesday and I am both excited and nervous about that. I will be working at a hospital here in town on an oncology unit. The new job will bring lots of challenges and adventures with it, but I suppose I'm ready to tackle them.

Sorry this is so long, but my Mom requested an update so she would have something to read, so here it is!